Hitting a Happy Medium

Jo on mountains of emails. 😉

Jo Robinson

I haven’t managed to get my email totally cleared for a long time now. I never, ever, have less than six hundred newbies there on any given day, so if I’m away from my computer for longer than that I generally log on from under the table with only one eyeball open. When I try and handle all of them, I don’t get any scribbling or scribbling related projects done, and if I don’t handle them all, they tend to get buried under all the new ones. Not to mention forgetting to eat and feed people. This is not good, and it freaks me out when I find something important that’s been waiting for me, or I’ve unintentionally missed a comment on any of my sites. This has to change. Now that I’m pretty much back to my – ahem – normal self, I’ve decided to try and hit a…

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