Why do you bother to write?

Writing is a gamble…

Have We Had Help?

Have you ever thought what motivates someone to want to write?  Some write for purely business reasons and monetary gain, plus to inflate their egos, while most do not.

Personally I write the kinds of stories that I would like to read and that give me endless pleasure. If others like them as well, I look upon it as a bonus.
Will I ever be a number one best selling author – I seriously doubt it. Why? Simply put – I am not a mercenary kind of person. 
All of my life I have read and enjoyed a broad mix of literary works. Granted most of them were written by so called ‘established writers’, or to put it another way, the chosen few seen as cash cows to be milked mercilessly under contract to one or other of the ‘big six’ publishers to churn out X number of words using…

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