Indeed, who were the Vikings?



I have news for you. The Vikings were nothing like those sword wielding warriors you see on tv. They did not dress in blood stained leather and ragged tunics if they could avoid it – they preferred silk and colored linnen. They didn’t sport those fancy hairstyles that the tv show with the same name has made popular – both men and women took pride in their long, well tended hair. And the name «Viking» wouldn’t have made much sense among the Norsemen themselves – their sense of nationality was much more regional. By the way, even at the height of the Viking Age, the British didn’t talk about them as Vikings, but as Danes.

So, who were the Vikings? Or, more correctly, who were the Norse? Only a small portion of the Norsemen were Vikings, after all. I have used the name «Viking» in this blog when I write…

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14 thoughts on “WHO WERE THE VIKINGS?

  1. Yeah, those Directors and Script Writers always feel they need to dress things up to make them more presentable. It usually just perverts the facts.

    I feel no shame admitting I like those perversions, though.

    Liked by 1 person

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