Short Story Writing


On its own is a short story important? Not necessarily. But as a proving ground to try out ideas with the view to expansion into larger works at a later date, short stories are an invaluable tool.

The trick is to always to keep it short – between five to fifteen hundred words. While you’re writing, if it’s any good your mind will automatically want to expand it to novelette, novella or even novel length.

Don’t give in to temptation. You’re writing a short story!

The main thing to remember once you’ve decided on its subject, is that it must always be brief and to the point. I know I’m repeating myself, but its a fact. How many short stories end up as novelettes when the author looses all sense of self-control?

If you believe your short story is truly worthy, hand it over to a few people to read, in other words employ beta-readers. If their verdict is favourable, the next thing to consider is whether or not to leave it as a single short story, or perhaps the first of a series or anthology, just like my Goblin Tales.

To create any story, especially a short one, you must keep you’re writing tight. Don’t get carried away with what I call flowery prose. In other words don’t feel the need to fill it with utterly pointless rambling.

Unfortunately many short stories I see these days were quite clearly not thought through before being published. To that I say be your own worst critic. If it looks and sounds like total rubbish when you read it out loud, chances are that’s exactly what it is. But don’t let that put you off. Learn from it. So get busy and write a short story.

Remember – mighty oaks from little acorns grow.


23 thoughts on “Short Story Writing

  1. Dear Jack

    Very well said!:-)

    We have been following each other’s blog for quite some time now. I want to thank you for that. As my blog grew I struggled to give as much in return as I was receiving. I am sorry for that.

    Due to this, I am moving my work to this newly created website:

    I am staying on WP without much content shared.

    I wish you all the very bestβ™‘ β™‘.

    Love, Isabella

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for your advice? After writing a short story, someone told me to look again, tighten it further to a piece of flash fiction. I went away and began to chop, I thought I had ruined it until I stopped. It is a good discipline and can help especially if you are prone to be wordy.

    Liked by 1 person

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