The Forgotten Age Reviews

Despite a slow start, my latest novella The Forgotten Age is already gaining favourable reviews:


I couldn’t help thinking about Indiana Jones while I was reading about Nick Palmer’s adventures in The Forgotten Age by Jack Eason. A rollicking adventure of caves, tunnels, hidden entrances and unreliable maps leading to …. well, I won’t write a spoiler here. Enough to say that this is a very well written adventure tale with plenty of twists and turns along the way. If you have any interest in ancient myths, Egyptology or archaeology, you’ll surely enjoy this new Nick Palmer story.


Jack Eason is a master storyteller of this historic-cum-science fiction genre. His latest book Forgotten Age is a riveting page-turner it!


 I don’t often give out five stars on a review but Jack Eason’s The Forgotten Age deserves all five. This book that follows on from The Seventh Age, enthralled me from Prologue to Epilogue and all chapters between. I have to declare an interest here, as I’ve always been fascinated with Egyptology and archaeology so it was no hardship for me to read this new Nick Palmer adventure that kept rolling along like a runaway roller coaster – and with such credible characters for first-rate company along the way. I can say definitely worth adding to your wish list or better still buy it today.


With the Author’s flair for memorable characters and ancient knowledge, this is another page turner in the Nick Palmer chronicles.
The story twists, turns and teaches as it unfolds before you. I find myself instantly relating to the characters, with all their complex human imperfections.
Jack Eason has a unique way of unveiling the unseen and changing your perspective on things at his whim.
All in all, a well written story that cannot fail to impress anyone with a spirit for imagination.


In this sequel to his book, The Seventh Age, Jack brings back Nick Palmer once again for a new adventure. I was lucky enough to buy the very first Amazon US copy. Another great read by a great author. I highly recommend this book. Keep an eye on Jack Eason, he is a rising star.


 Jack Eason has done it again , I am anxiously awaiting the next novel after just having finished The Forgotten Age in one day . I could not put it down . His portrayal of such realistic characters embroils and invests you in their saga . Notwithstanding , the historical values and storyline combine to enlist you in an expedition with complete suspension of disbelief . He is a rare pleasure to read and I look forward to reading everything he produces . Definitely left me wanting more .


So what is time? A measure of man’s experience? A slice of eternity? Atlantis has held Man’s imagination for millennia and would probably continue for as long as Man in his present form continues to wonder and explore. But the True Man will meet up with the Atlantean prince on a different plain and he will understand the meaning of that smile. The Atlantean was the eternal guard against the enthusiast like Nick who searches for knowledge without considering the dangers of the many tunnels he leads man into. He ceases to exist when he finds himself by default in the middle of the library of All Knowledge and he ceases to be. He becomes one with the knowledge and is lost within it, losing persona. He enters into Time.
Phew! Jack, those words held me spellbound for the time it took for me to read The Forgotten Age. I must congratulate you for a beautifully crafted story. I could not sleep until I had read and finished the reading the story. It chased my dreams and tantalized me with images and longings to have a final answer on Atlantis for it will open the door for me to peep into the dawn of the age of Homo Sapiens, on this almost timeless Earth. Infinity has her door firmly shut.
I am happy I was given an opportunity to read Jack Eason’s book The Forgotten Age. I am a simple elderly lady and as the clock ticks relentlessly bringing me into reconciliation with my origin and starting point I wish to commend Jack for this story. He has written a story that I found very appealing. It was not science fiction nor did I have to contend with strange human beings.. Ithis stayed well in the background. I had no reason to be worried that the awful fellow from his historical fantasies were about to gobble up my dreams. I was just teased about a past that Jack held up to me as a tantalizing future.
A concept was thus confirmed, Man can only understand his future when he returns to his past. The beginning always flows into the end or vice versa. Infinity is thus defined and explained and it becomes a journey a lot of us will find very difficult to make.It is the only way Life can be explained and the rationale of Man’s journey here on Terra Firma.

Got you curious? Get your copy today via an Amazon outlet near you…

A Big Thank You

I would like to thank everyone who took the opportunity to download themselves a free Kindle copy of my latest during the last three days. Unfortunately the American holiday of Thanksgiving last Thursday, closely followed by the retail frenzy that is Black Friday coincided with the give away. Inevitably the numbers of copies downloaded was low. 

One person who, because of the country she lives in, is prevented from interacting in any way shape or form with Amazon, making it impossible for her to take advantage of the free download, never the less was able to read and review it after I sent her a free copy.

Here is her review as published in Goodreads:

Biola Olatunde‘s review

Nov 24, 12

5 of 5 stars false
Read in November, 2012

The Forgotten Age

So what is time? A measure of man’s experience? A slice of eternity? Atlantis has held Man’s imagination for millennia and would probably continue for as long as Man in his present form continues to wonder and explore. But the True Man will meet up with the Atlantean prince on a different plain and he will understand the meaning of that smile. The Atlantean was the eternal guard against the enthusiast like Nick who searches for knowledge without considering the dangers of the many tunnels he leads man into. He ceases to exist when he finds himself by default in the middle of the library of All Knowledge and he ceases to be. He becomes one with the knowledge and is lost within it, losing persona. He enters into Time.

Phew! Jack, those words held me spellbound for the time it took for me to read The Forgotten Age. I must congratulate you for a beautifully crafted story. I could not sleep until I had read and finished the reading the story. It chased my dreams and tantalized me with images and longings to have a final answer on Atlantis for it will open the door for me to peep into the dawn of the age of Homo Sapiens, on this almost timeless Earth. Infinity has her door firmly shut.

I am happy I was given an opportunity to read Jack Eason’s book The Forgotten Age. I am a simple elderly lady and as the clock ticks relentlessly bringing me into reconciliation with my origin and starting point I wish to commend Jack for this story. He has written a story that I found very appealing. It was not science fiction nor did I have to contend with strange human beings.. Ithis stayed well in the background. I had no reason to be worried that the awful fellow from his historical fantasies were about to gobble up my dreams. I was just teased about a past that Jack held up to me as a tantalizing future.

A concept was thus confirmed, Man can only understand his future when he returns to his past. The beginning always flows into the end or vice versa. Infinity is thus defined and explained and it becomes a journey a lot of us will find very difficult to make.It is the only way Life can be explained and the rationale of Man’s journey here on Terra Firma.

Thank you very much Biola.  Thank you one and all. 🙂

One More Day to Go…

Tomorrow (Thursday 22nd of November) is the first day of the free give away from an Amazon outlet near you. The giveaway continues until midnight Saturday 24th November.


The Forgotten Age
In the world of archaeology, some things are just not meant to be. Only the brave or foolhardy will ever dare to challenge the establishment and its accepted theories. Previously, Dr Nick Palmer had proved himself beyond any reasonable doubt by saving the Earth and the entire Solar system from total destruction on December, 21st, 2012, enabling humanity’s seventh age to begin.
Now it was time to upset the academic world once and for all. He returns to Egypt to find the fabled library of the ancients to disprove the blinkered thinking over who was responsible for sculpting the Sphinx as well as establishing the true purpose of the pyramids. Along the way he is joined once again by most of his old team and a few new recruits. In their bid for proof they are subjected to all manner of obstacles put in their path.
Apart from attempted murder, kidnapping and torture, even the environment is hostile towards Nick and his team in his latest adventure. Will he succeed in his quest for the truth about the Sphinx and the pyramids? Find out when you read “The Forgotten Age”.
Read what others thought when they read ‘The Forgotten Age’ 
A Great Read
“Jack Eason is a master storyteller of this historic-cum-science fiction genre. His latest book Forgotten Age is a riveting page-turner tale.. read it!” Robert Bauval, author of The Orion Mystery
A Thoroughly Enjoyable Read.
I couldn’t help thinking about Indiana Jones while I was reading about Nick Palmer’s adventures in The Forgotten Age by Jack Eason. If you have any interest in ancient myths, Egyptology or archaeology, you’ll surely enjoy this new Nick Palmer story. A rollicking adventure of caves, tunnels, hidden entrances and unreliable maps leading to …. well, I won’t write a spoiler here. Enough to say that this is a well written adventure tale with plenty of twists and turns along the way.
I Want More!
Jack Eason has done it again , I am anxiously awaiting the next novel after just having finished The Forgotten Age in one day . I could not put it down. His portrayal of such realistic characters embroils and invests you in their saga. Notwithstanding, the historical values and storyline combine to enlist you in an expedition with complete suspension of disbelief. He is a rare pleasure to read and I look forward to reading everything he produces. Definitely left me wanting more.

Spawn of Scrooge

I know times are financially tough, especially within the western world, but until I began self publishing, I hadn’t fully appreciated just how tightfisted some people have become.
If you need a classic example, here’s one; when a writer promotes his or her work, particularly if they are offering it as an ebook, part of the promotion game involves offering your work for free. This can last from one to five days, depending on the publishing outlet you use.
As soon as you make it known that your latest book is about to be free during a specific time period, the modern day equivalents of Charles Dickens’ immortal character Ebenezer Scrooge swoop down, eager to get yet another book for nothing.
Most ebooks these days are reasonably priced, well below US$5. Millions are no more than US$1.20.
A lot of these tightfisted individuals will justify their actions by arguing that 99% of whats on offer is not worth reading. If that is the case, why obtain a gratis copy?
While it is true that there are a large number of poorly written books now available thanks to self-publishing, there are a growing number of well written works emerging from among the morass of books currently available, priced below US$5.
As a book lover, which would you prefer for the same amount of money, an expensive latte from a well known coffee chain with a dubious track record for exploiting its coffee bean growers, or a new ebook? I know which I would rather have. Remember this; once that cup of coffee has been bought and consumed, it’s gone forever. Whereas a book is for life, no matter what its price may be.
So spawn of Scrooge, don’t be total cheapskates. Give the moths in your wallet a break. Open it and pay for the book you so desperately wanted to get your hands on for nothing.

Get your Copy

Good news folks! In three days time, those of you who don’t have the money to purchase a copy of Forgotten will be able to take advantage of the free download giveaway on Amazon (22nd-24th Nov).

Like all of my books, with the exception of Globular Van der Graff’s “Goblin Tales for Adults”, Forgotten will only appear as a Kindle ebook.

Here is its first review by my fellow writer and good friend:

Reviewed by Derek Haines
A Thoroughly Enjoyable Read

I couldn’t help thinking about Indiana Jones while I was reading about Nick Palmer’s adventures in The Forgotten Age by Jack Eason. A rollicking adventure of caves, tunnels, hidden entrances and unreliable maps leading to …. well, I won’t write a spoiler here. Enough to say that this is a well written adventure tale with plenty of twists and turns along the way. If you have any interest in ancient myths, Egyptology or archaeology, you’ll surely enjoy this new Nick Palmer story.


So, make a note of the giveaway dates of 22nd – 24th November (Thursday through Saturday of this week).

A new novella

In a few hours from now you will be able to purchase your copy of my latest novella via the Amazon outlet near you.

For your edification here is the blurb:

In the world of archaeology, some things are just not meant to be. Only the brave or foolhardy will ever dare to challenge the establishment and its accepted theories. Previously, Dr Nick Palmer had proved himself beyond any reasonable doubt by saving the Earth and the entire Solar system from total destruction on December, 21st, 2012, enabling humanity’s seventh age to begin.
Now it was time to upset the academic world once and for all. He returns to Egypt to find the fabled library of the ancients to disprove the blinkered thinking over who was responsible for sculpting the Sphinx as well as establishing the true purpose of the pyramids. Along the way he is joined once again by most of his old team and a few new recruits. In their bid for proof they are subjected to all manner of obstacles put in their path.
Apart from attempted murder, kidnapping and torture, even the environment is hostile towards Nick and his team in his latest adventure. Will he succeed in his quest for the truth about the Sphinx and the pyramids? Find out when you read “The Forgotten Age”.

One day soon, unless we’re very careful…

Is it just me or are you also wondering how much longer it will be before the general population of most western countries finally cry “Enough!”
Many governments are enforcing austerity measures in the form of financial cutbacks, supposedly to balance each country’s national debt. 
Sounds good – right? It would be if they were targeting the ones who actually caused the fiscal meltdown in the first place, the banks and multi-national businesses. Instead they are punishing their populations. Why are they doing that? Because we are an easy target, a soft option if you will.. They’re too frightened to chase after the banks and corporations, demanding the repayment of the trillions they robbed from us all.
To give you a recent example, the CEO’s of the three largest non-taxpaying corporations here in the United Kingdom, Amazon, Starbucks and Google were called before a parliamentary committee recently to explain why they have failed to pay any tax. There was the usual stonewalling which all companies do when they are caught with their pants down in public, along with transparently absurd statements like “We haven’t sold enough product here in the UK to pay any tax” while the politicians on the committee shouted and complained. 

But like most parliamentary committees, they have no teeth. All they were doing was to pay lip service to the problem, hoping the country would believe they were actually doing something worthwhile on our behalf. Yeh right, pull the other one it’s got bells on it! All three companies turnover last year added up to more than most small countries GDP, running into the hundreds of millions. All three channel their profits through places like Luxemburg so that they do not have to pay income tax here in the UK.

Anti-austerity demonstrations occurred across Europe today (14th, Nov). Unfortunately peaceful but noisy demonstrations serve no purpose unless they spill over into violence, at which point the authorities are quick to point out to the television reporters and camera men that the demonstrators were to blame for having their heads split open by a policeman’s riot baton.
Here in England sadly we learned about two more victims of the cruelty inflicted on the ordinary men, women and children of this once great country. A former military man and his wife saw no way out and sadly committed suicide. Why? Because with only £50 between them to survive each week, they just could not hope to survive the oncoming winter because of the extreme poverty they had to endure. Just to get one hot meal each day they were forced to walk 12 miles to a soup kitchen before making the return journey to where they were living.
In Spain a woman threw herself out of the window of her flat, falling to her death because she was about to be made homeless, thanks to her country’s banks defaulting on their monetary loan from the EU.
I repeat – how much longer will we put up with being bullied, lied to, cheated and harassed while big business gets away with murder?  How much longer will it be before we finally decide to take our nation’s destiny back from the greedy and their sycophants – our politicians?
Just so long as we all sit quietly, muttering under our breath and doing nothing, reminiscent of the old stoic grin and bare it attitude of the 1940’s and 50’s, they will continue with their unjust financial cuts instead of setting their sights on the real culprits, their rich friends. I’m beginning to understand why the French finally had a revolution in the eighteenth century. 

But do we really want to take up arms? God forbid that it should ever come to that, but one day soon it just might… The thought terrifies me.

What not to believe

Have you ever wondered why it is that we humans, despite professing to be rational beings living in a modern world, still need to believe in what can only be described as fantasy and superstition?
Earlier this year, I published a story based on the widely held belief among conspiracy theorists that the world will end at midnight December 21st, 2012, according to their warped interpretation of the Mayan calendar.
The fact that it is selling like hot cakes (which I’m extremely grateful for) either means that people are enjoying it for what it is, nothing more than a work of fiction, or that completely gullible individuals, having bought it, actually believe it to be the truth.
I’m sorry to disappoint you folks, but it is merely fiction. Most rational readers already realise this fact.
In some parts of the world it appears that it has bolstered the widely held belief among conspiracy theorists that the world will end on the above date. The fact that later dates from the Mayan calendar are known about, suggesting that the Mayans knew that life will continue beyond that date, simply doesn’t fit into their way of thinking. A similar argument can be made for the billions who believe in another fictional work.

In all likelihood what I am about to say about that other book will undoubtedly offend some people. I’m sorry about that, but I refer to it merely to back up my argument about the total lack of rationality in some individuals.
Since man first began to write, there have been many books of fiction. One stands out above the rest, despite it being the product of a deliberate cooperative writing endeavour by many men down the centuries. For two thousand years it has constantly been believed to be the definitive word, to assist a select group of individuals in controlling the masses for their own dubious gain.
Despite the fact that most sane individuals these days realise it is nothing more than probably the first book of fiction to still be in print, constantly re-edited and revised over the intervening centuries by countless individuals to suit the thinking of the those in power at the time when the scribes in question were alive, incredibly it’s still taken to be the one and only truth by billions of so-called normal rational human beings.
Come on humanity, wake up to yourselves. The only books that come close to the truth are histories. But even they are amended from time to time when commonly held ideas, beliefs and facts alter what was formerly believed to be the truth as more facts are brought to light. Like my novel The Seventh Age, the rest are written merely to entertain – nothing more…

Despite the fact that we believe ourselves to be a highly advanced species, we are still primitives especially when it comes to rational thought.

Reading – pleasure or pain?

All of my life since I proudly read out loud from an illustrated book of bible stories to my parents, aged four, I have always gained immense pleasure from reading.
Do I still enjoy the process? 
Yes, but instead of losing myself in the pages of a book to relax for a couple of hours, these days I find myself critiquing the narrative.
When did this change occur?
It was in nineteen-ninety five when I first began writing. Back then I was still in a period of transition between my being just another avid reader like millions of others, and someone who had decided that he wanted to do nothing else but write.
The more I got into the discipline of writing, the more critical I became. My early stories were very amateurish as you would expect. In those early days whenever errors were pointed out to me, like any overprotective parent I took umbrage when the child of my imagination was attacked.
This year I decided to enter the world of self-publishing. It was a step not taken lightly on my part, after briefly dipping my toes into traditional publishing. Since going it alone it has been a steep but thoroughly worthwhile learning curve.
Besides becoming aware of the pitfalls when advertising your wares, learning about things like publishing, pricing, book ratings and top 100 lists etc, etc, I have made many friends in the writing world, some within traditional publishing, and others independent like myself. From all of the writers I now communicate with on a daily basis, inevitably there are a handful I feel confident enough to talk over the problems which we all experience.
Having just finished writing my latest offering, I asked the three people I trust beyond all others connected with the writing world if they would please read it through. One particular friend of mine and I have just swapped manuscripts. While he reads and edits mine, I’m doing the same for him. We not only trust each other implicitly, but also respect each others views and opinions.
As the title of this article says – reading, pleasure or pain? 
For me it’s an equal mix of the two. While as a reader I can happily lose myself in his story, the writer side of me keeps putting the brakes on when a questionable sentence or phrase appears before my eyes.
Meanwhile, in the comfort of his home in a particularly picturesque part of Europe, I know he will be doing the same thing…