It’s for you to decide…

Well 2017 is only a few days away, and I’m toying with the idea of writing a sequel. My problem here is which of my more recent books demands one. It can’t be Race Against Time


…because I’ve already written it – The Forgotten Age.



Nor will it be Goblin Tales because I’m still working on a new edition when the mood takes me.


Now here’s where you all come in. Perhaps you would like me to write a sequel for Céleste. After all I did finish the first book about her and Apkallu’s crew rather abruptly, with many unanswered questions, now didn’t I? Or maybe I should write a sequel to the sequel The Forgotten Age. If you remember I left the hero trapped in a hermetically sealed room somewhere beneath the Giza Plateau!!!

It’s up to you to decide. I certainly don’t want to, they’re both good stories!

Don’t just read this and hit like or not as is your want. Feel free to offer your opinions. On the other hand if as usual I hear nothing back from the vast majority of this blog’s followers, I’ll know I’m just wasting my time once again. In which case guess what? You get no sequel!

PS – In the meantime feel free to click on the covers…


Newsflash – out of 612 followers of this blog, 18 bothered to look at the above post. 13 liked it. 3 took up my invitation to vote. Says it all really…


From Nigeria with love…


You know, there is always the question of asking yourself if you are ever going to be a best seller in your lifetime. These days, those are the questions that I find myself asking each time I start writing a story. The question started simply enough. A very young child came to my house and we started chatting. He wanted to know why I was hunched over my computer almost all the time he was in the living room. I blinked and tried to focus on the young man. He noted that most times he called to say hello to my children, he invariably found me typing. I took a deep breath and wondered if I should do one of two things.

You know look down my nose at him and reply in a pitying voice on how he has missed the true calling of the writer and tell him…

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It’s inevitable whenever you publish…



Hi kiddies, I’m back on the offensive once again.

The following is a classic example of what happens when a Troll goes on the attack by looking for the next title on their hate list:

The text does not flow. I was frequently jolted by missing punctuation and poor sentence structure.

In this particular instance, the targeted book is my scifi love story:


Céleste: Love, Hate, Revenge and Danger among the Stars.

And yet, despite the above pathetic attempt to rubbish the book by a specific troll living in Vermont, one Sligo McKluge, when he delivered his blatantly obvious attack, the book continues to receive nothing but praise by those who have actually bought and read it from the beginning to the end. Which begs the simple question – why the hell does Amazon still allow bitter and twisted morons like McKluge to comment in the first place?

Before the peace and brotherly love set jump in to defend him by preaching about the fundamental rights of the individual, insisting McKluge was merely exercising his/its/her/their right to express their personal opinion according to the section on the democratic right to freedom of speech in the first amendment of United States’ Constitution, I would remind you that like every other successfully published author of my acquaintance who are constantly targeted by total fwits like McKluge, I can tell you that that particular argument does not wash! It is nothing more or less than a load of old horse manure, especially when authors do not have the right to veto all one and two star reviews. Or better still, like Facebook, be allowed to block certain people from commenting, or in this instance reviewing!!!

PS – according to KDP, its being read in the US at the moment McKluge, so stick that in your pipe and smoke it!!!

Bah Bloody humbug


Problems with names again

Problems with names again

A lesson for all indies…

Eric's blog


I have a friend who was an author, he traditionally published two books, pre- kindle then gave up, which is a great shame because they were great books. A while ago he was castigating me about my choice of names for my books. I do find thinking of names for my book hard. I started off by pulling names from a Tutor name web site. I then started using friend’s names and then in desperation I asked on Face book if anyone wants me to use their name. I ended up with Nigel and Adrian that way. Both are minor characters Adrian dies, Nigel appears in part two. He might have a bigger part in book two or that’s appears in book two and a bigger in book three depending on how I go with it.

Anyway, this friend of mine, let’s call him Rakr-hifyw destroyer of words, thinks Nigel…

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