Isaac Newton and Samuel Pepys, or what did YOU do in isolation?

The new situation normal…

Joy Lennick


It is fortunately not often that millions of people on our planet find themselves in such a similar, dire situation, except in wars and epidemics, and so many, brave individuals have, in this present, horrific coronavirus situation, paid the ultimate price for their unselfishness in caring for the sick and dying. We should feel eternally grateful and humbled. I am.

NASA_newton4048_regHarking back to the truly dreadful plague of 1665: it was said that a five-year-old boy named John Morley was found dead at his home in Cambridge with black spots on his chest in July 1665 and became the town’s first bubonic plague victim. Townspeople started to isolate, and a young scholar at Trinity College named Isaac Newton fled to his home farm in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire to study. In the two years he was there, he studied calculus, created the science of motion and unravelled gravity, or so it was…

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2 thoughts on “Isaac Newton and Samuel Pepys, or what did YOU do in isolation?

  1. I’m losing (or perhaps finding myself?) in The Oxford Shakespeare The Complete Works… we shall see how long this siege lasts? N’est pas?

    Thanks again for the reblog. xx

    Liked by 1 person

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