Huxley’s or Orwell’s, The Main Concept Comes to The Same End! (P. 3)

Read and inwardly digest!!!


The Nexus: (Is it Really True, or Truly Real?!)

It is never wrong if we become sceptical repeatedly, and instead of simply believing everything, think a little and do some research. The famous Russian prob gives good advice; Trust is good, Control is better! Of course, I don’t mean everything is a lie, but everything is not true, indeed! Now continuing on my topic (after parts one & two), I dare to confuse the everyday all-day life of some of us and may naughtily stir up some teasing. It will never be boring, I promise!

The world of Nexus! (an extra-dimensional realm of wish fulfilment that exists outside of normal space-time). An imaginary world that can be desirable for everyone. I got to know this world in one of the Star Trek movies: Star Trek; Beyond The Nexus. As you might have seen in this movie, there is…

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